Luxurious Psychedelic Mushroom Retreat Center for Executives


To access a new level in your business, you will require a deeper and more expansive awareness of you and multidimensional reality.

You and your business are a reflection of your state of energy. Expand your awareness for greater levels of conscious success with a luxurious journey curated for each person and the team as a whole.


Professional Development with Sacred Psychedelic Plant Medicine Journeys.


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Who is it for?

Entrepreneurs, Executives or Professionals who want to explore their inner realms in a bespoke group setting. The Bespoke Group Journey is for three to four people or an executive team who want to embark on a shamanic journey as a group or team and have the desire to have exclusive access to The Journeymen Collective for the duration of their entire journey. The intensive process is curated specifically for all members of the group and the group as a whole.

PLEASE NOTE: We can place you into small group journeys if you are the only person who wants to take on a journey. 

How does it work?

The shamanic journey experience is curated for the all members of the bespoke group. The focus is on each of you as individuals and as a group or team.

  • The Bespoke Group Offerings range from 6 weeks to 18 months of combined online and in-person intensive support. 

  • Intensive personalized support for online preparation and integration includes:

    • Zoom Video conference calls, guided meditation and energetic activations.

    • Access to The Journeymen Collective Portal for video training and education pertaining to preparation and integration. 

  • Bespoke In-Person Journeys range from 3 to 16 full days with masterfully guided plant medicine ceremonies and full days of integration.

Why now?

Does you have a calling or knowing that there is another level of awareness and connection within each of you that wants to be expressed for the success of your business and you simply just don't know how to access this higher state? We can show you the way to open up and activate to new levels of innovation. Stepping into the unknown mystical moments is where you will harvest the gold of your soul’s innate connection to the universe for you to upgrade your personal and professional life. The time is now.    

Enter Into Deeper Connection and Awareness of Self through a Guided Psychedelic Journey

The Journeymen Collective believe that everyone should experience at least one shamanic journey in their lifetime. Enter into the unknown of the mystical to expand your awareness and ground greater light into the collective consciousness. The best way to do this is to embark on the revolutionary experience we offer.

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Testimonials from The Journeymen Collective  

Listen to those who experienced the transformational work


“ This gift to myself, has catapulted me into my new business endeavours, with confident and ease.”

Nadia Piccone - Yoga Studio Owner & Teacher 


"My journey has helped me massively in all areas of my life....My outlook on life is massively different"

Mike Fisher, Chief Marketing Officer for Valiant Inc., Investor and Philanthropist


"My business is flourishing and my marriage is flourishing!.....Life is flowing"

Jodi Cecchini - Healthy With Jodi,  Health & Happiness Lifestyle Coach

More Testimonials Here

Magical Insights

Effective Guidance for the Magical Center Within

What is aligned action?

There are two counterparts that balance out all of creation; we have stillness, and action birthed from that stillness. There is a disease that is sweeping the globe right now and it’s what some deem to be living “the successful life” or “being a hard worker”. The disease is one of taking massive action out of a compulsion to be busy and feel like we are successful. However, most of us have lost our center ...

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Why are shamanic plant medicine journeys so effective?

Since the dawn of humanity, plant medicine has been explored to facilitate deep healing and evolution of consciousness. For evolution to occur, the old ways of thinking, feeling and being must die. Die? Yes, death and subsequent renewal is an essential component of transformation and a shamanic journey ...

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Why is vulnerability so important to upgrade to the next level?

A lot of the time when people post on Instagram or Facebook or social media it's typically pictures of the wins. The new car. The new house. The new job. But one thing that I see missing from social media is the real aspect of personal development - vulnerability. When we allow others to witness and learn from the bumps  ...

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Contact Information

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Journey Within


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Magical Insights


