Journey Within: Luxurious Guided Psychedelic Retreats in Canada


Since the dawn of humanity people have been embarking on shamanic journeys to honour the old and birth the new.


Professional Development on an entirely new and expanded level.


A place where the metaphysical is grounded into creation and elevation of business. 





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The Revolutionary Journeymen Collective Experience

The deeply intensive work we offer our international community is highly personalized where your journey is of utmost importance and the focus is on you. We honour your highest potential by creating space in a luxurious environment which leads to an ultra high quality experiential discovery process. 

The Journey Education & Discovery Institute is located in the world-renowned province of British Columbia, Canada. As contemporary shamans, The Journeymen Collective facilitate by guiding people through a revolutionary shamanic journey that allows you to discover and foster your connection to the quantum universe so that you intentionally create your visionary reality.

The Journeymen Collective create and curate exclusive offerings that include the following highly personalized support:

  • The Bespoke Offerings include 4 months of combined online and in-person intensive support. 


  • Intensive personalized support for online preparation and integration includes:
    • Zoom Video conference calls, guided meditation and energetic activations.
    • Access to The Journeymen Collective Portal for video training and education pertaining to preparation and integration.


  • Bespoke In-Person Journeys are four full days including two masterfully guided plant medicine ceremonies and two full days of integration.
  • Highly attuned guidance and full integration support during your waking hours while in our care.
  • Vegetarian cuisine prepared by an Intuitive Chef who senses into your nutritional requirements to achieve full restoration of the whole being.
  • Luxurious Estate accommodations in a world class setting.

Continued Mastermind Support: After your journey, monthly live mastermind calls take place where everyone within the collective gathers on-line.

Frequently Asked Questions
Listen to Seeking Center Podcast

This podcast dives deep into the journey of a lifetime that we guide epic humans through for ever-evolving transformation.

By Invitation Only

Enjoy Exclusive and Personalized Focused Attention

Rest, Release and Restore in Luxurious Surroundings

Apply now to work with The Journeymen Collective

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What Psychedelic Journey Will You Embark On with The Journeymen Collective?

Solo Psychedelic Journey – Revolutionize You

Only you and two highly attuned medicine men meet for 4 full days of intensive work. We guide you to clear out the limiting beliefs and stagnant generational energy within your field so that you can dive deep into your connection within Self to experience the laws of universal reality.


Elevate your conscious awareness through a highly personalized journey. We give you permission to fully be you. The energy of the experience is specifically and intentionally curated so you can open up to greater clarity of higher purpose and give rise to a refined way of being that gives way to your revolutionary path.


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Power Partner Psychedelic Journey - Evolve Together

Share the journey with only one other person for 4 full days of intensive work. This is a personalized journey for you and a best friend, spouse or colleague to share in a pivotal moment of your life. Liberate destructive subconscious programs so that you foster a greater awareness of your true self and allow your higher purpose to materialize into synchronistic form.


Each member of the partnership is guided into their own inner journey and will have their own experience to grow through. As your elevated awareness of Self emerges, the connection in partnership grows stronger. This revolutionary experience gives rise to an intimate integration process that evolves into deeply fulfilling partnership.


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Bespoke Group Psychedelic Journey – Mastermind with the Universe

A small group or executive team of 3 or 4 like-minded entrepreneurs or professionals gather to explore their individual connection to Self with guidance from two highly attuned spiritual advisors. Gather together with a bespoke group to form a collective energy that provides an opportunity to elevate the group consciousness for innovation and deeper connection with each other.


While in the journey each person is guided to clear out the energy which no longer serves their highest good. During the integration phase of the revolutionary experience the newly found awareness of Self is grounded back into reality for greater creativity, efficiency and optimized performance in business. Take your collaboration to the next level.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Would you like to know more about a journey with The Journeymen Collective?

Continue Your Journey to The Answers

Testimonials for The Journeymen Collective Experience 

Listen to those who experienced the work

"My business is flourishing and my marriage is flourishing!.....Life is flowing"

Jodi Cecchini - Healthy With Jodi,  Health & Happiness Lifestyle Coach


"It was a deeply profound transformational experience....I am an infinite spiritual being"

Paris Raine, Ecommerce Entrepreneur, Model & Actor


“Profound effect on my life and my business”

 Andrea Biedermann - Simply Piano Studio - Professional Piano Teacher & Entrepreneur

More Testimonials Here

Magical Insights

Effective Guidance for the Magical Center Within

Have you forgotten why you came here?

Most of us come into this lifetime and we go to school, we go to University or we get a job and we just enter into the ongoing programs that are already in existence for us. We never learn the skill to question. For the most part, the curiosity to question reality is For the most part, the curiosity to question reality is dampened ...

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Why are shamanic plant medicine journeys so effective?

Since the dawn of humanity, plant medicine has been explored to facilitate deep healing and evolution of consciousness. For evolution to occur, the old ways of thinking, feeling and being must die. Die? Yes, death and subsequent renewal is an key component of transformation... 

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What is aligned action? Is massive action always needed?

There are two counterparts that balance out all of creation; we have stillness, and action birthed from that stillness. There is a disease that is sweeping the globe right now and it’s what some deem to be living “the successful life” or “being a hard worker”. The disease is one of taking massive action out of a compulsion ...

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The Journeymen Collective provide it's global community of founders, entrepreneurs, executives, business moguls, actors, athletes and professionals with details pertaining to the prominent patterns of consciousness that are percolating through the leading-edge of universal mind. 

Messages, Meditations and Videos to enhance your life, love and business with a focus on soulfull integrity of psychedelic plant medicine journeys.

Upgrading your level of consciousness is a click away.  


Subscribe to get our latest content to elevate your consciousness by email.

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Journey Within


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Magical Insights


