Magical Insights from Guided Psychedelic Plant Medicine Journeys with The Journeymen Collective


EffectiveĀ Resources for the Magical Center Within




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Why is vulnerability so important to upgrade to the next level?

barked green tree looking into the sky with the camera lens positioned upwards with green plants growing on the tree

A lot of the time when people post on Instagram or Facebook or social media its typically pictures of the wins. The new car. The new house. The new job. But one thing that I see missing from social media is the real aspect of personal development - vulnerability. When we allow others to witness and learn from the bumps in the road, the trials and tribulations, it helps others to have a perspective of what it's really like to shift and grow through the old and into the new. When we allow others to witness and learn from the bumps in the road and the trials and tribulations, it helps others to have a perspective of what it's really like to shift and grow through the old and into the new.

The majority of personal and spiritual development leaders will lead you to believe to only focus on the positive elements of life and business. This is also known as spiritually bypassing the work you’re here to take on. We have to look at the shadow because there is absolute gold in each person’s shadow side. When we can recognize that we are in a shadow or negative aspect it provides the opportunity to see what wants to be transformed. Once you’re aware of what requires a shift then you can quickly pivot and move onto the path to greatness. This is where we have the opportunity to alchemically transmute the shadow into gold. By finding the darkest darkness inside that shadow element, we can actually reach deeply within that unknown aspect of self and allow ourselves the opportunity to shine the inner light like never before.

So, it's like a firefly who doesn't have his light on quite yet. The firefly is in the dark and seeks out the darkest patch of the darkness, recognizes the darkness and makes the conscious choice to flip on the switch to shine like never before.

Turning on the light will actually de-densify and decompose the old programming associated with the lack of flowing energy, which makes it easier to conduit more energy. More light lets more light flow more easily. This allows us to light up the earth grid to a greater extent because we have a greater current flowing through us within the matrix of life. 

So, when someone asks you, “how is your day going?”, be REAL with them and answer them honestly. Most of us have been preconditioned to answer with “I’m fine”. If you require help or there are problems that you're experiencing with an aspect of your life or your business, open up to the people that are with you and allow yourself to be vulnerable so you can receive help.

Innovation will be birthed from the acknowledgement that there is a problem that needs light. Solutions, new ideas and unknown creativity will come up out of the vulnerability. It’s a true strength of all masters!

Do you have a deep sense that you have untapped potential laying dormant within and you simply have yet to be shown have to access the universe inside you?


The Journeymen Collective are here to help you answer that inner knowing with you so that you create a visionary reality.


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