Magical Insights About Guided Psychedelic Plant Medicine Journeys with The Journeymen Collective


Effective Resources for the Magical Center Within




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What Michael Pollan's Book Teaches Us About Psychedelic Journeys

Michael Pollan's book is normalizing psychedelics for people who may have thought that these magical substances would fry one's brain like an egg to render one's self useless. On the contrary, planet medicine psychedelics empower people to live soul-centered lives that allows people to...

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Why are psychedelic plant-medicine journeys so effective?

Since the dawn of humanity, plant medicine (aka psychedelics) has been explored to facilitate deep healing and evolution of consciousness. For evolution to occur, the old ways of thinking, feeling and being must die. Die? Yes, death and subsequent renewal is an essential component of...

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What does spirituality have to do with science?

For millennia people have been working with chakras within and around the body. The chakras are also known as energy centers and each center within the body has neural bundles associated with the physical anatomy connected to the entire nervous system. All 7 centers have a mind of their own for...

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Does everyone have trauma stored in their body?

Everything is energy. Thoughts are energy. Emotions are energies. When we have thoughts and feelings about a circumstance or an event from the past that hasn't been fully processed that energy can be stuck in the matter and space of the body. The result is typically pain or we start moving the...

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What track is the train of your life on? Is Your Life on Track?

Sometimes in life, we that feel we are on a never-ending train that is leading nowhere, running in circles or not heading in a direction you wish. This looping phenomenon is felt by most where people have resigned to the idea that, “this is the way life is!” Many people have bought...

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What is the most important thing to study to elevate self to personal mastery?

This is another question The Journeymen receive quite a lot within the collective.

Many thought leaders are leading people to believe they will find their life’s biggest answers within books and must spend countless hours within a day reading and entering into repetitive study. Books are...

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How to be grateful to elevate life to flow state? Just Be it

Gratitude is always a hot topic in most personal development circles and the easiest way to get there is to simply be it. Stop for a second and think about it. Do you really need to sit, think about what you have in your life and make lists of things you're grateful for? Is it necessary to do...

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What is aligned action? Do you need to hustle with massive action?

There are two counterparts that balance out all of creation; we have stillness, and action birthed from that stillness. There is a disease that is sweeping the globe right now and it’s what some deem to be living “the successful life” or “being a hard worker”. The...

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Have you forgotten why you came here? Remembering Your Higher Purpose with psychedelics

Most of us come into this lifetime and we go to school, we go to University or we get a job and we just enter into the ongoing programs that are already in existence for us. We never learn the skill to question. For the most part, the curiosity to question reality is dampened by the collective...

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Why is vulnerability so important to upgrade to the next level?

A lot of the time when people post on Instagram or Facebook or social media its typically pictures of the wins. The new car. The new house. The new job. But one thing that I see missing from social media is the real aspect of personal development - vulnerability. When we allow others to witness...

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Answering Questions About Meditation: What's The Best Form For You?

The Journeymen Collective hear this question all the time. We are here to give you an answer that may not satisfy your logical brain. Allow yourself to experiment and experience various forms of meditation to see what really fits you and what really serves you. Allow yourself to use your senses...

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Do you have a deep sense that you have untapped potential laying dormant within and you simply have yet to be shown how to access the universe inside you?

The Journeymen Collective are here to help you answer that inner knowing that you create a visionary reality.

Journey Within

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